A customer's quick test showed ESAWEB to be
28 times faster
loading a slightly complex page on a recent Amdahl processor.
Only one significant digit is needed here!
Eweb: 1.68 CPU seconds
ESAWEB: 0.06 CPU seconds
I'm running a version of my Java ticker with nil program logic
except to generate a time stamp: eg: result =
translate(diag(8,'QUERY TIME'),' ','15'x) 'OUTPUT' result
On ESAWEB - 10 hits costs 0.03 or 0.04 CPU seconds TTIME (as
reported by QUERY TIME)
On EnterpriseWeb - 10 hits costs 0.80 CPU seconds
Even using the higher time for ESAWEB for round-up. that's a
20:1 ratio.
And the internal measurements:
I ran the benchmarks Saturday morning. I let about 5 minutes
lapse between each run to allow the system to quiet down a bit.
I ran three different benchmarks from SFS then from minidisk for
a total of six benchmarks. The first type was retrieval of HTML
requiring EBCDIC to ASCII translation and appending CR/LF to
each output record. The second type was of a GIF file requiring
no server massaging of data. The third type was the execution of
a CGI that used a PIPE state to read the test HTML file and
'OUTPUT' it.
Each test generated 8304 bytes of header and 8196 bytes of
output data per request.
Results according to benchmark program:
Time Duration Filetype Storage hits
11:54 240.008 HTML Mdisk 1849 (first run of day)
12:04 240.118 GIF Mdisk 1753
12:17 240.047 GIF SFS 1693
12:26 240.387 HTML SFS 1529
12:52 240.042 CGI SFS 1383
13:03 240.017 CGI Mdisk 1363
I would be interested in seeing how many CGI cached hits there
are relative to CGIs invoked. I had a couple of runs where the
CGI failed and had to be modified.
If you can't measure it, I'm just NOT
8, 1996-1999 - Velocity Software, Inc.