Velocity Software, Inc. is recognized as a leader in the performance measurement of z/VM and Linux on z. The Velocity Performance Suite consist of a set of tools that enable installations running z/VM to manage Linux and z/VM performance. In addition, many components of server farms can be measured and analyzed. Performance data can be viewed real-time through the use of either 3270 or a browser. The CLOUD Implementation (zPRO) component is designed for full cloud PaaS implementation as well as to extend the capabilities of the z/VM sysprog (system programmer) to the browser world. This feature moves system management to the point-and-click crowd. Archived data and reports can be kept available of long term review and reporting usine zMAP. The zVPS, formally ESALPS, components consist of: zMON (formally ESAMON - real-time display of performance data), zTCP (formally ESATCP - SNMP data collection), zMAP (formally ESAMAP - historical reporting and archiving), zVWS (formally ESAWEB - z/VM based web server), zTUNE (a subscription service), zVIEW (formally SHOWCASE - web based viewing of performance data), zPRO (new to the quality line of Velocity Software Products). Velocity continues to work with other software vendors to ensure smooth interface with or from other products such as VM:Webgateway, CA-Webgateway, EnterpriseWeb, MXG, MICS. Velocity software remains the leader and inovator in the z/VM performance, Linux performance, Managing cloud computing arenas.
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Trend Analysis for Servers

To provide a long term analysis of one server, a short extract can be created to retreive specific information from the performance database. By logging on to the ZMAP userid, create the following file called "UCDSYS ESAEXTR" on the "A" disk. Note that this will extract the LINUX CPU information for node S11R20RA. Modify to meet your reporting requirements.

TITLE = 'Linux CPU by Time &USERID'
TITLE = '*Labels    NODE  TOTCPU  usercpu  syscpu  iowait  kernel'
Y = 'NODE'

Once this extract is created, the performance database has sets of files for each day, limited to disk space you have provided. Running the following would provide any information in the performance database for the server that is listed, in this case S11R20RA for the months of october, november and december for year 2013.


The resulting information is in file: "20131 EXTRACT"

The extract function can be used to extract data from a specific month using the following format:

esaextr        (parm ucdsys month 12/13 
to extract from december in 2013. This will produce a file called "MONTH EXTRACT" that contains the results of your request.

To find available history data, issue "FILELIST ESASYS * D".

Please logoff from ZMAP when done to ensure that normal nightly operations occur.

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