Velocity Software, Inc. is recognized as a leader in the performance measurement of z/VM and Linux on z. The Velocity Performance Suite consist of a set of tools that enable installations running z/VM to manage Linux and z/VM performance. In addition, many components of server farms can be measured and analyzed. Performance data can be viewed real-time through the use of either 3270 or a browser. The CLOUD Implementation (zPRO) component is designed for full cloud PaaS implementation as well as to extend the capabilities of the z/VM sysprog (system programmer) to the browser world. This feature moves system management to the point-and-click crowd. Archived data and reports can be kept available of long term review and reporting usine zMAP. The zVPS, formally ESALPS, components consist of: zMON (formally ESAMON - real-time display of performance data), zTCP (formally ESATCP - SNMP data collection), zMAP (formally ESAMAP - historical reporting and archiving), zVWS (formally ESAWEB - z/VM based web server), zTUNE (a subscription service), zVIEW (formally SHOWCASE - web based viewing of performance data), zPRO (new to the quality line of Velocity Software Products). Velocity continues to work with other software vendors to ensure smooth interface with or from other products such as VM:Webgateway, CA-Webgateway, EnterpriseWeb, MXG, MICS. Velocity software remains the leader and inovator in the z/VM performance, Linux performance, Managing cloud computing arenas.
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; XAMAP/XAMON SLR Interface: System Log Extract Request EXTRACT: ; System configuration Y = 'SERIAL' Y = 'MODEL' ; Sample characteristics Y = 'SAMPLES' Y = 'SECONDS' ; Interval data Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R1 'D0R1 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R1 'D0R1 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R10 'D0R10 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R10 'D0R10 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R14 'D0R14 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R14 'D0R14 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R3 'D0R3 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R4 'D0R4 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R4 'D0R4 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R5 'D0R5 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R5 'D0R5 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD0R8 'D0R8 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD0R8 'D0R8 Monitor intervals' Y = 'SECONDS'; ELAPSD5R3 'D5R3 Processor online time' Y = 'SAMPLES'; ICD5R3 'D5R3 Monitor intervals' ; Processor data Y = 'SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; PROC_TOD 'Processor online time' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXPRBTM*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROC_VTIME 'Emulation CPU' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXUTIME*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROC_TTIME 'User CPU' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXTMSYS*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROCSYSTIME 'System CPU' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXTOTWT*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROCWAITTIME 'CPU Idle' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSDIAGT*SECONDS/100'; - ; DIAG_INSTR 'Diagnose instructions' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPRVIS*SECONDS'; - ; INST_SIMUL 'Instruction simulation' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSEXTNX*SECONDS'; - ; EXT_INTERRUP 'External interrupt' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSMCHCT*SECONDS'; - ; MACHIN_CHECK 'Machine checks' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSEXTNC*SECONDS'; - ; SIGP_INTERR 'SIGPs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSABNCT*SECONDS'; - ; SOFT_ABENDS 'Soft abends' Y = 'SYTPRP.CALFSTPH*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; FASTPATH_IS 'Fast path instructions' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXRUNCP*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; SIE_INSTRUCT 'SIE instructions' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXRUNPF*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; SIE_INTERC 'SIE interceptions' ; Vector Facility data Y = 'SYTPRP.PLSVFVTM*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROC_VFVTIME 'Vector facility time used' Y = 'SYTPRP.PLSVFOTM*SYTPRP.SECONDS/100'; - ; PROC_VFOTIME 'Vector facility overhead' Y = 'SYTPRP.PLSVFLOD*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; PROC_VFLOADS 'Vector loads' ; Storage data Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSSTLFR*SECONDS'; - ; EXT_PAGES 'Pages taken to extend' Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSALEMP*SECONDS'; - ; LIST_EMPTY 'Available list empty' Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSPRQDF*SECONDS'; - ; DEFERR_TASKS 'Tasks waiting for page' Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSNOCMP*SECONDS'; - ; SCAN_FAILED 'Demand scan failures' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAXTEND'; - ; UNSATISFEXT 'Unsatisfied extend requests' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAFRQWT'; - ; DEFERRTASKS 'Tasks waiting for frame' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSACPLOK'; - ; CPLOCKPAGES 'Pages locked by LOCK cmd' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAXFREE'; - ; EXTENDPAGES 'Extended pages' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAFSTOR'; - ; FREESTORAGE 'Free storage size' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAFSYUD'; - ; FSTORAGEUSED 'Free storage in use' Y = 'SYTRSG.SYS98XA'; - ; LP_D98_31 '31-bit Diag 98 pages locked' Y = 'SYTRSG.SYS98370'; - ; LP_D98_24 '24-bit Diag 98 pages locked' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSANONPG'; - ; NONPAGEABLE 'Non-pageable storage' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAPGABL'; - ; PAGEAB_PAGES 'Pageable storage' Y = 'SYTRSG.SYSRSVPG'; - ; RESERVPAGES 'Reserved pages' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSASAVFR'; - ; SAVEAREAPAGE 'Save area frames' Y = 'SYTRSG.SYSVRSZ'; - ; V_EQ_R_SIZE 'V=R area size' Y = 'SYTRSG.RSAFVRUD'; - ; V_EQ_R_USED 'V=R free storage in use' ; Expanded Storage data Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTXBGET*SECONDS'; - ; XSTOR_ALLOC 'XStore allocations' Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTXBREL*SECONDS'; - ; XSTORDEALLOC 'XStore deallocations' Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTCTXAV'; - ; XSTOR_AVAIL 'XStore blocks available' Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTCPPAR'; - ; XSTOR_BLOCKS 'XStore blocks in CP partition' Y = 'SYTXSP.PLSPGIN*SECONDS'; - ; XSTORE_PAGIN 'PGINs' Y = 'SYTXSP.PLSPGOUT*SECONDS'; - ; XSTOR_PAGOUT 'PGOUTs' Y = 'SYTXSP.PFXPGIN*SECONDS'; - ; FP_PGINS 'Fast path PGINs' ; Paging data Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPIOPR*SECONDS'; - ; PAGE_READ 'Page reads' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPIOPW*SECONDS'; - ; PAGE_WRITES 'Page writes' Y = 'SYTRSP.PLSSHRRD*SECONDS'; - ; SHRPAGEREADS 'Shared page reads' Y = 'SYTXSG.XSTUSRSH*SECONDS'; - ; SHRMIGRATION 'Shared system migrations' Y = 'SYTPRP.PFXRUNPF*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; PAGE_FAULTS 'Page faults' ; Spooling data Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPIOSR*SECONDS'; - ; SPOOL_READS 'Spool reads' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSPIOSW*SECONDS'; - ; SPOOL_WRITES 'Spool writes' ; Transaction data Y = 'SYTUSR.SYSUSRS'; - ; LOGGED_USERS 'Users logged on' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALMPTRV*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALMPTCT'; - ; MP_TRIV_TIME 'MP trivial response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALMPTCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; MP_TRIV_TRAN 'MP trivial transactions' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALMPNTR*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALMPNCT'; - ; MP_NONTRIV_T 'MP non-triv response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALMPNCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; NONTRIV_TRAN 'MP non-triv transactions' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALUPTRV*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALUPTCT'; - ; UP_TRIV_TIME 'UP trivial response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALUPTCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; UP_TRIV_TRAN 'UP trivial transactions' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALUPNTR*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALUPNCT'; - ; UP_NONTRIV_T 'UP non-triv response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALUPNCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; UP_NONT_TRAN 'UP non-triv transactions' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALQDNTR*SYTUSR.SECONDS*SYTUSR.CALQDNCT'; - ; QUICKDISP_T 'Quick Dispatch response' Y = 'SYTUSR.CALQDNCT*SYTUSR.SECONDS'; - ; QUICK_TRANS 'Quick Dispatch transactions' ; Dispatcher data Y = 'SYTPRP.PLSCUHAF*SYTPRP.SECONDS'; - ; DEDIC_DISPAT 'Hard affinity dispatches' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMCDISP'; - ; DISPATCHLIST 'Dispatch list users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMCDLDG'; - ; DISPAT_LOAD 'Loading dispatch list users' Y = 'SYTUSR.SRMCDORM'; - ; DORM_USERS 'Dormant list users' Y = 'PRCPRP.DSVMAXUS'; - ; MAX_PLDV 'Maximum users in PLDV' Y = 'PRCPRP.PFXDSPCS*PRCPRP.SECONDS'; - ; NEWUSRDISPAT 'Long dispatches' Y = 'PRCPRP.HFUSERZ*PRCPRP.HFCOUNT'; - ; PLDV_SAMPLES 'Times PLDV empty' Y = 'PRCPRP.HFUSERC*PRCPRP.HFCOUNT'; - ; PLDV_VMDBK 'VMDBKs in PLDV' Y = 'PRCPRP.PLSDSPCM*PRCPRP.SECONDS'; - ; VMDBK_MOVED 'VMDBKs moved to master' Y = 'PRCPRP.PLSSTLNU00+//PRCPRP.SECONDS'; - ; VMDBK_STOLEN 'VMDBKs stolen' ; Scheduler data Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC1DSP-SYTSCG.SRMC2DSP'; - ; Q1_USERS 'Q1 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC2DSP-SYTSCG.SRMC3DSP'; - ; Q2_USERS 'Q2 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC3DSP'; - ; Q3_USERS 'Q3 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC1ELG-SYTSCG.SRMC2ELG'; - ; E1_USERS 'E1 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC2ELG-SYTSCG.SRMC3ELG'; - ; E2_USERS 'E2 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC3ELG'; - ; E3_USERS 'E3 Users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC1DLD-SYTSCG.SRMC2DLD'; - ; LOAD_Q1 'Q1 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC2DLD-SYTSCG.SRMC3DLD'; - ; LOAD_Q2 'Q2 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC3DLD'; - ; LOAD_Q3 'Q3 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC1ELD-SYTSCG.SRMC2ELD'; - ; LOADING_E1 'E1 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC2ELD-SYTSCG.SRMC3ELD'; - ; LOADING_E2 'E2 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMC3ELD'; - ; LOADING_E3 'E3 loading users' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMABSDL'; - ; ABS_SHARE 'Total absolute shares' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRMRELDL'; - ; REL_SHARE 'Total relative shares' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRME1ETS'; - ; Q1_ELAP_SLIC 'Q1 time slice' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRME2ETF*SYTSCG.SRME1ETS'; - ; Q2_ELAP_SLIC 'Q2 time slice' Y = 'SYTSCG.SRME3ETF*SYTSCG.SRME1ETS'; - ; Q3_ELAP_SLIC 'Q3 time slice' ; Input/Output data Y = 'SYTCPC.HFCOUNT'; - ; HF_SAMPLES 'High-frequency samples' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTSS*SECONDS'; - ; SSCH 'SSCHs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTRS*SECONDS'; - ; RSCH 'RSCHs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTCS*SECONDS'; - ; CSCH 'CSCHs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTHS*SECONDS'; - ; HSCH 'HSCHs' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTSI*SECONDS'; - ; SOLINTERRUP 'Solicited interrupts' Y = 'SYTSYP.PLSCTUI*SECONDS'; - ; UNSOL_INTERR 'Unsolicited interrupts' ; Selection criteria CRITERIA = 'CPU = TOTAL'

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