Cloud Enablement

Implementing Private Cloud on "z"

"Cloud" is more than a buzword, it is a fundamental shift in the way IT does business. It impacts business in many different ways:

Cloud requirements

A cloud architecture is normally defined to include the following:

The Velocity Software Cloud on "z"

Velocity Software has been implementing Private Cloud architectures since before "cloud" was a buzzword. Many z/VM installations running Linux on "z" have implemented their own private clouds with predefined golden images that may be cloned on demand. Servers may be commissioned and decommissioned as needed.

PaaS - Platform as a Service is the first step, allowing users to create their servers as needed.

Velocity Software's zVPS provides full metrics for chargeback, meeting one of the most difficult requirements of a cloud implmentation.

The Velocity Software cloud architecture base product, zPRO, runs native to z/VM, using native interfaces. This allows for a much richer implementation than what competitors can offer using restrictive APIs.

Implementing a Velocity Software cloud LPAR is a very inexpensive process that can be fully operational in a day. Implementation only requires zPRO, and zVPS as the complete software solution. Velocity Software strives to provide simple, elegant and complete solutions.

Velocity Software Cloud Enablement

Velocity Software provides a range of services to support your private cloud implementation.

Cloud Case Studies

Many installations are moving to cloud architecture to meet different requirements. The following lists some of the ongoing projects: