zPRO - Modernizing the z/VM platform! Go to a special cloud area for viewing zPRO functionality and for z/VM Education.
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zPRO is the premiere modernization product on the market. It provides a secure PaaS (Platform as a Service), private Cloud enablement, Ansible access with SMAPI-free API's, LPAR and Linux cloning, operational support and has features that outperform other vendor products for a fraction of the cost. zPRO modernizes the user interface to z/VM and simplifies administrator interactions with the platform.

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Installations have dispersed workloads that may be on multiple LPARS, in multiple geographies, and even on multiple platforms. zPRO provides a single pane of glass that encompasses the enterprise and allows management of workloads regardless of where the z/VM based severs are operating.

zPRO Objectives:

zPRO's original objectives were to provide an on-prem cloud environment where users could manage their own servers without requiring interaction with systems programmers or other system administrators. This objective was met, but it became clear there was much more opportunity to build on this architecture. The objectives now go beyond just providing an "on-prem" cloud environment.

-> Providing modern tools for system programmers and administrators to simplify tasks and enhance their productivity.
-> Delegating functions to reduce requirement and queues for skilled systems programmers.
-> Simplify installation and support to minimize implementation times.

Features and Benefits:

  • zPRO is easily installed and does not require an additional Linux server to run, nor does it utilize SMAPI or Java.
  • zPRO greatly simplifies provisioning and management of Linux servers on system Z and enables installations to create their own PaaS (Platform as a Service) environment with the following functions:
    • Cloning and provisioning any flavor of guest - Linux, z/OS, VSE, CMS or 2nd level z/VM.
    • Server administration - manage all of the servers that have been provisioned, from starting/rebooting to adding memory.
    • Resource control and management - monitor and manage resources for users/servers and even assign IP addresses.
    • Integration with all zVPS products.
  • Modernizing system tools by using a browser and automation. The following are part of zPRO.
    • Directory management, security and authorizations via zDIRECT.
    • z/VM spool management via zSPOOL.
    • Event scheduling via zSCHEDULE.
    • File backup/restore capabilities for minidisks and shared file systems that are user friendly and easily scheduled.
    • Console management via zOPERATOR plus additiona capabilities.
    • Simplified Shared File System (SFS) management.
    • Restful API support (with NO SMAPI).
    • LUN (DS8K) and EDEV management.
  • With simplified resource management and automation, zPRO allows:
    • IT managers an easy way to view resource consumptionation, track activites and conduct auditing.
    • System administrators have more time for installation critical planning, upgrades, etc by making day-to-day tasks easier and faster.
    • System operators modernizes the job of bringing up/bouncing/shutting down servers for outages, maintenance or load balancing. End-users are given authority to handle their own servers so Operators don't have that burdon.
    • End-users can get personalized servers quickly and without intervention from system administrators or operations.
  • zPRO is continuously being enhanced and updated as needs are identified!