Velocity News & Information

Performance Newsletters

Velocity Software produces a periodic newsletter. To see the previous versions of the newsletter:
2023 Winter
2021 Winter

What's New at Velocity Software

2022 zPRO - Modernizing z/VM

Mar, 2020: zVPS 5.1 - CICS Support for VSE and z/OS

Dec, 2019: zVPS 5.1 - z/VM 6.4 Support, Java thread support

Dec, 2018:

Dec, 2016: zVPS 4.3 - z/VM 6.4 Support, Java thread support

Sept 2015: zVPS 4.2 - z13 - Full SMT Support

May, 2015: zPRO Version 2.1 - Full self service environment (PaaS) supporting DIRMAINT, VM:Secure, RACF (supported but NOT required). NO SMAPI, NO JAVA.

April, 2015: zVPS 4.2 VSE Job data collection.

April, 2015: zVIEW Version 4.2 with JVM and Oracle support.

January, 2015: zVPS V4.2 - Support for MFC (Mainframe Cache) data, full z/VM 6.3 support, JVM, Oracle data collection and presentation.

January, 2015: zTCP V4.2 - SSI, DNS support.

September, 2013: zOPERATOR - a full screen (3270) and/or browser based operations console - a no charge feature of zVPS.

January, 2013: Console Manager (GETCONS) - Make your console logs available to your users via a browser interface. No charge feature of zVPS.

January, 2012: zVPS PORTAL inclues all Velocity Software documentation with the no charge ZDOC feature.

November, 2011: zVPS Version 4 supports z/VM 6.2 with new reports and full z196 support.

August, 2011: Velocity Software and CA Technologies sign world wide licensing and disribution agreement. See the CA Announcement for more details.

June, 2011: zVPS Version 4 becomes generally available.

Feb, 2008: Velocity Software opens office in Germany

Velocity Software GmbH
Max-Joseph-Str. 5
68167 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (0)621 373844

August 2009: zVPS Velocity Software announces Version 4 of zVPS - Velocity's Performance Suite (formerly known as ESALPS)

August 2009: zPRO is announced. zPRO is an enablement tool for Systems Administrators. It provides them a simple to use web interface for cloning servers (including Linux and others) and managing the VM Directory.

July 2009: zVIEW is available for download by licensed users of zVPS.

January, 2005: zTUNE subscription service available: Solve your Linux and z/VM performance problems fast!

New z/VM Release Support

Velocity Software supports new z/VM releases the day they are made available—no need to wait to upgrade due to our products!

Click here to view the Velocity Statement of Product Support.