The Velocity Software Performance Services Subsciption Fast performance problem solutions for z/VM and Linux for System Z

zTUNE is a subscription feature that utilizes the ZVPS suite of products to create realtime displays and reports of perceived and possible performance issues to solve them quickly and easily. Hundreds of issues (with corrective advice) can be detected from a database built over the last twenty years (and growing!). It's like having a performance expert in house at all times.

zTUNE Management - Sample zTUNE report messages:
Report: ESATUNE      Tuning Recommendation Report                                                                                 
Monitor initialized: 12/27/24 at 00:00:00 on 8562 serial 040F78                                                                   
*****zTUNE Evaluation   *************                                                                                             
STR8 18.2 deferred tasks are waiting for pages.     <-- STR8 shows where the current storage allocation may be too low     
       Storage available is insufficient.                                                                                         
USR2 User xxxxxxxx is paging excessively            <-- USR2 shows this user is paging and may need help                   
     (41.6 per second)                                                                                                            
     This user can be protected using SET RESERVED                                                                                
USD3 User xxxxxxxx has very high dispatch rate      <-- USD3 shows a high dispatch rate - investigate                      
TCP4 Node xxxxxxxx interface traffic excessive at   <-- TCP4 shows a high traffic rate - investigate                       
     664756 bytes per second.                                                                                                     
CPU5 Master Processur using 1.29 times more cpu     <-- CPU5 shows a possible issue with the LPAR configuration            
     than entitled by LPAR Weights. Evaluate lpar                                                                                 
     weight to ensure master processor requirements                                                                               
     are met.                                                                                                                     

Features and Benefits:

  • Meet Your Service Level Needs
  • Solve Performance Problems FAST
  • zTUNE Configuration Analyzer
  • Guidelines Updated Periodically (as discovered)

zTUNE is a powerful subscription service provided by Velocity Software to assist in real-time problem resolution. It finds not only z/VM possible issues, but also Linux! Not enough swap space? zTUNE will let you know. Use this product with zALERT to create a potent structure for solving issues BEFORE they can impact critical users.