Java Analysis

Java Thread Analysis - as of ZVPS 4.3

As we at Velocity Software dig deaper into system analysis, the application subsystems become the next step in understanding how the server is performing and why. In zVPS 4.2, java process data was provided. In zVPS 4.3, we now provide thread analysis with a suprising capture ratio - not only do we see the block I/O and wait time for those block I/O, there are also thread waits - and CPU consumed by thread is provided. The following report is available as of zVPS 4.3.

The "CPU ms" per thread in the last column is milliseconds of CPU used by the thread during the interval - in this case, the summary is for 15 minutes, but real time, this information would be available minute by minute.

Report: ESAJVMT      Java Subsystem Analysis Report   Velocity Software
Monitor initialized: 10/27/16 at 12:00:00 on 2828 serial 314C7     First record
Date     <-----------Thread ID----------->  <--Blocks--> >Thread Waits>  CPU
Time     Name                          nbr  /Second Time   /Sec  Time    (ms)
-------- ---------------------------  ----  ------- ----  -----  -----  -----
lxora12  Totals                         .     0.1      0   32.7      0 2368.8
         CommunicatorServer              7      0      0      0      0  151.4
         Approximate Time Keeping Thr   26      0      0    0.9      0   21.2
         Deferred Alarm Manager         30      0      0    2.4      0   86.4
         Non-Deferred Alarm Manager     31      0      0    1.9      0   45.7
         Deferrable Alarm : 1           84      0      0    0.9      0   55.6
         Deferrable Alarm : 2           85      0      0    0.9      0   93.8
         ThreadService-0               102    0.0      0    1.1      0  250.5
         ThreadService-1               103    0.0      0    1.1      0  255.8
         ThreadService-2               104    0.0      0    1.1      0  277.1
         Deferrable Alarm : 3          136      0      0    0.9      0   52.3
         ThreadService-3               137    0.0      0    1.1      0  203.1
         ThreadService-4               139    0.0      0    0.9      0  248.2
         ThreadService-5               140    0.0      0    0.9      0  168.4
         Non-deferrable Alarm : 2      141      0      0    0.1      0    7.0
         Deferrable Alarm : 0           43      0      0    0.9      0   58.6
         LT=0:P=547699:O=0:port=9100    48      0      0      0      0   26.2
         LT=2:P=547699:O=0:port=9402    50      0      0      0      0    5.9
         HAManager.thread.pool : 0      55      0      0    0.3      0    5.5
         Non-deferrable Alarm : 1      138      0      0    0.1      0    6.5
         ThreadService-4               139      0      0    0.2      0   25.5
         ThreadService-5               140      0      0    0.2      0   22.5
         Thread-11                      17      0      0    0.0      0   33.9
         Approximate Time Keeping Thr   26      0      0    0.1      0    1.2
         Deferred Alarm Manager         30      0      0    0.2      0    5.6
         Non-Deferred Alarm Manager     31      0      0    0.1      0    2.2
         Deferrable Alarm : 1           84      0      0    0.1      0    2.4
         Deferrable Alarm : 2           85      0      0    0.1      0    2.6
         Deferrable Alarm : 2           85      0      0    0.1      0    2.6
         ThreadService-0               102      0      0    0.1      0   12.2
         ThreadService-1               103      0      0    0.1      0   19.2
         ThreadService-2               104      0      0    0.1      0    7.8
         Deferrable Alarm : 3          136      0      0    0.1      0    3.7
         ThreadService-3               137      0      0    0.1      0   15.3
         ThreadService-4               139      0      0    0.1      0   10.1
         ThreadService-5               140      0      0    0.1      0   10.0
         LT=3:P=547699:O=0:port=2809    54      0      0      0      0    2.6
         LT=1:P=547699:O=0:port=9403    49      0      0      0      0    8.6
         LT=2:P=547699:O=0:port=9402    50      0      0      0      0    5.5
         HAManager.thread.pool : 0      55      0      0    0.1      0    1.3