MongoDB Analysis

Monitoring MongoDB with zVPS

Interest in NoSQL databases like MongoDB has grown significantly along with all the unstructured data organizations that are increasingly required to squeeze out more value per dollar. To help with this effort, MongoDB announced support for IBM z Systems in 2015, both for running on Linux and as an available feature from within its Transaction Processing Facility (zTPF) operating system. See the IBM Announcement. With increased customer interest, Velocity Software quickly added MongoDB support into our product stack.

To help understand how MongoDB is performing, along with being able to react with real tuning metrics for optimization, Velocity Software went on to incorporate just over 140 statistics into the Velocity Software Performance Suite (zVPS). Part of these can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows some of the data graphing capabilities of zVPS which allows for easy color-coded warnings and user defined alerts when values start to exceed expected conditions. All this is designed to help customers maintain SLA's while staying ahead of concerns before they grow into problems that require extreme actions to correct.

MongoDB removed SNMP support starting in version 6, which is the proven lightweight interface Velocity uses to pass information along to our tools and subsequent dashboards. Velocity Software still provides the most accurate view of data coming from any given Linux guest running these databases available in the marketplace today. We have aligned these statistics to match the MongoDB view of resource usage. For customers wishing to see the data specific to the MongoDB view of the statistics, users still have three options available:

Velocity Software still provides full alerting support, operational support and capacity planning support for MongoDB in a full integrated manner to meet customer requirements as they move forward with MongoDB. The solutions provided by Velocity Software remain very lightweight, requiring only 0.1% of a processor and very little memory per installation, making it the most complete and cost-effective solution available in this space today.

Since the MongoDB monitoring component (Ops Manager) is not available on Linux on IBM Z, Velocity Software is the only game in town for mainframe based monitoring of MongoDB. This monitoring is completely integrated on a single pain of glass with the rest of your z/VM, Linux on Z and distributed server performance management data.

Figure 1:

Figure 2: