Velocity Software Performance Seminars

z/VM & Linux Performance Seminars

Velocity Software offers free performance seminars covering Linux on z/VM on System z. These seminars help installations optimize their performance of z/VM and Linux on System z environments.

As a hypervisor, z/VM manages real resources between virtual servers. Incorrect configuration of one virtual server can impact the performance of others. Proper configuration and tuning of both Linux and z/VM is necessary to ensure consistent performance of all virtual servers.

Thousands of VM professionals in over 50 cities worldwide have attended Velocity seminars. These informative classes teach techniques for correctly configuring resources and tuning parameters to meet z/VM and Linux performance requirements.

The presenter is Barton Robinson, Velocity Software's performance management suite Architect. As a regular speaker at SHARE, GSE conferences and user groups world wide, this is a forum for asking the most technical questions about performance management.

Topics Presented

Managing Linux under z/VM using the Velocity Performance Suite (zVPS)
Managing Linux on a mainframe requires capacity planning, performance analysis, chargeback, and operational support. This topic describes the technologies employed by Velocity Software's zVPS.
There are always enhancements happening at Velocity. The most recent will be discussed as well.

VM and Linux Configuration Guidelines
Many installations have performance issues during their proof of concept (and production) because of simple configuration errors. Linux on System z is NOT Linux on Intel, and is NOT z/VM for traditional CMS workloads. The requirements are very different. On System Z, we have technologies that other platforms can only dream of - and utilizging those technologies often means the difference between success and failure. This topic presents:

  • Configuring for Performance
  • Subsystems: DASD, Storage, Expanded Storage, Paging
  • Scheduler Parameters

Analyzing and Tuning Linux Storage in z/VM Environment. Running Linux under z/VM well requires an understanding of Linux storage and the tuning options that exist. This presentation looks at:

  • Linux Storage Overview
  • Storage Tuning Options (CMM)
  • Standard Tuning Techniques
  • Many new storage metrics and reports

Linux and z/VM Accounting and Chargeback This presentation is provided to answer today's most common question of how to perform accounting and chargeback for linux processes, applications and/or servers.

Enabling the cloud for Linux (and VSE) on "z". With cloud being the big new buzzword and skills being short, installations are looking at how technology can leverage existing skills to take advantage of what z/VM has to offer for virtualization. This presentation looks at today's requirements and at how zPRO removes the skill barrier to implementing cloud on z/VM.

Velocity Software, Inc.

P.O. Box 390640
Mountain View, CA 94039-0640
Voice: 650-964-8867
Fax: 650-964-9012