Ansible and zPRO - Drive z/VM API calls from Ansible to zPRO - Simple!

How does zPRO from Ansible work?

Easy to use configuration file

Simple command line arguments used to run playbooks

Straightforward output allows for further data manipulation

Features and Benefits:

Many companies are already using Ansible for:

  • Lifecycle management
  • Patching of Linux servers
  • Automation processes

Take full advantage of zPRO's powerful functions to:

  • Manage existing servers
  • Determine the server state and stop or start as needed
  • Create new servers with one command

Command-Line Examples:

API call for the list of guests:

ansible-playbook zpro.yaml -e " username=userid password=mypass request=guest_list"

Same API call using the configuration file:

ansible-playbook zpro.yaml -e "nickname=SRV01 vaultpass=secret request=guest_list"