Moving MICS data to z/OS.

To move the data collected for MICS from the ZVPS collection to z/OS requires the following:
Note: This procedure will need to be updated to meet installation requirements.

The most optimal method is to have the files created each hour - which is the default. At midnight, have a process group the files into one single file to be FTP'd to z/OS for MICS processing.

The MAPGOOD EXEC needs to be copied to the "A" disk. There is a sample on the product disk.
This EXEC needs to have the following line added: 'EXEC ESAMICS'

This is an example of the contents of a proposed ESAMICS EXEC:

/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* S A M P L E */ /* */ /* exec to copy yesterday's mics files to esamap work disk */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Retrieve all ESAEXTR file except today's */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ ft = DATE('S') today=substr(ft,5,4) 'PIPE CMS LISTFILE ESAEXTR * J (NOH', '| nfind ESAEXTR FILE', '| nlocate /'||today||'/', '| sort w2' , '| stem files.' , '| getfiles' , '| > ESAEXTR' ft 'K' /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If successfully retrieve, ERASE source files */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ If rc = 0 Then 'pipe stem files.', '| spec \ERASE\ 1 w1.3 nw', '| console', '| spec \SMSG ESASERVE CMS\ 1 W1-* NW', '| cp' /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set target ZOS system target variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ ZOS = '' /* Target IP address */ Myid = 'George' /* Authorized userid */ Mypswd = 'Jungle' /* Password */ zosdirectory = 'abc.def' /* Target directory */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Send file to ZOS via FTP */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ fileid = 'ESAEXTR.' || ft queue myid mypswd /* Stack ID and PSWD */ queue 'cd' ||, "'" || zosdirectory || "'" /* ... target directory*/ queue 'mode b' /* ... BLOCK mode */ queue 'type e' /* ... EBCDIC */ queue 'lcd k' /* ... Local FM 'K' */ queue 'put' fileid /* ... PUT the file */ queue 'quit' /* ... then QUIT */ 'FTP' ZOS /* Issue FTP */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If successful then erase source file */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ cc = rc If rc = 0 then 'ERASE ESAEXTR' FT 'K' Else Say '*** Error *** RC' RC 'from FTP to -', ZOS '>' zosdirectory Exit cc