Product Roadmap
Velocity Software's zVPS Product Roadmap
It is Velocity Software's intent to keep all software up to date to meet all customer requirements as z/VM and Linux are enhanced, as well as to support all new hardware that is used on the z/VM platform. These updates are provided in the normal maintenance stream and are available on this web site.
New releases are provided for major enhancements, and configuration changes. When new releases are provided, existing releases are supported for at least one year for defects. Upgrades are at no charge and should not have any impact on operations.
- zVPS: zVPS includes zMON, zMAP, zWRITE, zTCP and zVWS. All are currently at the 5.1 version/release. zOPERATOR, zALERT and zPORTAL are also included. Each component has it's own maintenance schedule, both to provide updates to resolve problems, and provide additional support for IBM hardware and software updates.
- zMON, zWRITE, zMAP: These components are the data management components and are maintained at the same level. The current release level is 5.1.
- zTCP: zTCP is the data collector for Linux, z/VSE, MS Servers, and other network devices. Release is currently at 5.1.
- zVWS: zVWS is the z/VM based webserver (no linux required
as other web based solutions require). Current release
is 5.2, and includes the recent enhancements:
- Authentication: RACF groups and LDAP server support
- Encryption: Seamless integration with z/VM SSL Server
- Security: Improved Denial Of Service and Cross-site Scripting protection
- Cloud: Additional support for zPRO, Velocity's cloud enablement for z/VM solution
- zVIEW: zVIEW is the web based application that provides the graphical front end for zVPS, including performance, operations and capacity planning graphs. zVIEW is a no charge feature of zVPS.
- zOPERATOR: zOPERATOR is a console and automation manager
for z/VM
- Scrollable, customizeable and searchable console interface for OPERATOR and/or other CMS and z/Linux guests
- Message and event automation including email, command or procedure execution, sending SNMP trap and message color, highlighting and holding.
- Console can be viewed from the logged on user, a DIALed terminal, another CMS user and/or a web browser using zVIEW
- zALERT: Provides alerting and notifications for
customer defined thresholds
- Any data elements available via zMON/zVIEW can be the subject of an alert
- Custom alert/notification messages based on the requirements of the installation
- Network management consoles can be the target of SNMP traps with a customer defined payload
- Alert messages can be viewed from a 3270 device, via zVIEW, or a provided CGI display
- zPORTAL: Provides a web-based facility to to zVPS
- See the status of each zVPS product via a web browser.
- Update the zVPS license key across systems.
- View log files, configure alerts, and much more!
zVPS (All components) Futures
- 5.1.5 - 2Q 2024
- HMC support - energy analysis
- LINMON - Linux monitor records without snmp
- 5.2 - 2024
- General Enhancements
- collectd Support Enhancements
- IPV6 Enhancements
- Linux Update to support SMT
- zOSMON z/OS Support!!!!
- MQ Support
- Job Accounting
- DDName Support
- Network data
- Crypto data (LPAR and System) eg: SSL Handshakes/sec
- Storage Analysis Support
- DB2 Support
- VSEMON zVSE Support!!!!
- Additional CICS Support
- General Enhancements
zVPS (All components) Release History
- 5.1.4+ January 2024
- OPENSHIFT/zCX support
- 5.1.4 August 2023
- General Enhancements
- Openshift Performance Management
- zVRM Support
- z/VM
- Full z/VM 7.3 support
- Linux Updates
- VSEMON zVSE Support Enhanced
- General Enhancements
- 5.1.1 - Generally Available, March 2020
- General Enhancements
- ILMT Support
- IBM SSC Support
- collectd Support
- z/VM 7.1
- Full z/VM 7.1 support
- zOPERATOR - current support
- zVIEW - current support
- Linux Application Updates
- MONGODB Support
- Docker Support
- GPFS (Spectrum Scale) Support
- zOSMON z/OS Support!!!!
- Including RNI calculation for the LPAR and Workload
- System (70) Support
- Job (30) Support
- CICS (110) Support
- VSEMON zVSE Support!!!!
- CICS Support
- BSI TCPIP Network Support
- CSI TCPIP Network Support
- General Enhancements
zVPS Release Preview
zALERT Release Schedule
- 5.1.0 - December 2019
- General Enhancements
- New internal variables added
- Allow emails to go out via a network email server
- Support additional regular expression types in include/exclude
- Configurable stale data detection
- Allow showing the diffence between current value and previous value
- Added AT option to run an alert at specific points during an hour
- General Enhancements
zOPERATOR Release Schedule
- 5.1.0 - March 2023
zVIEW Release Schedule
- 5.1.2 - July 2023