The zVPS Operational Alert Manager | The zALERT component is an optional NO CHARGE feature shipped with the zVPS suite for managing performance alerts. |
zALERT provides full function alert capabilities to zVPS for operational support. zALERT can be configured to alert on any metric provided by zVPS for z/VM, Linux, VSE, z/OS, networks and applications such as OpenShift, Oracle, MongoDB or Websphere.
Features and Benefits:
- zALERT runs as a disconnected service machine that evaluates customer tailored alerts every minute.
- zALERT displays the alert messages in zVIEW or on z/VM.
- zALERT can send notifications to interested parties via message email, or trap sent to an enterprise network monitor.
- zALERT provides a limiter to notifications so they do not flood a console or monitor.
- zALERT provides many example alerts to be able to start alerting as soon as the product is installed.
- zALERT updates are made dynamically, without restarting the alert machine.
- zALERT provides a 'difference' mechanism so that a change in a value can be detected as the environment changes.
- zALERT can easily detect situations such as server/node/machine issues, looping processes or disks exceeding capactiy - all of which which reduces customer downtime.
- zALERT can be configured to take correct action when an alert is detected.
- zALERT can be configured and managed via zPORTAL.
The following is an example of a partial zALERT report: