The zVPS z/OS Monitor | Monitor z/OS with zVPS! |
As a leader in z/VM performance management, ZVPS installations have requested support of the z/OS metrics to be added to the modern and flexible graphic interface already provided. Hence, zOSMON has been added to the Velocity suite of products. With the ability to collect data from all the z/OS LPARs in an enterprise, there is now one centralized database for the enterprise. With such a low cost of operation, data can be processed in multiple locations for full redundancy.
zOSMON exploits the following SMF records - 30, 70 and 110 - from all the z/OS LPARs in the enterprise. z/OS, z/VM, Linux and VSE data can all be displayed on the same pane of glass!
Features and Benefits:
- zOSMON sends data to z/VM to be processed efficiently and inexpensively and completely offloads it from expensive z/OS MIPS.
- For installations running Linux on IFLs, zVPS supports running on an IFL, further reducing costs.
- zOSMON can support an unlimited amount of LPARs/CECs within one zVPS subsystem.
- zOSMON supports CICS!
- zVIEW can be used to display general enterprise data as well as zoom in for a specific LPAR or CICS region.
- zALERT can be used for operational alerts - sent as a text, email or to a console - about CICS response time, batch job codes, etc.
- zOSMON adds the ability to do real time performance monitoring with one minute granularity with little performance impact.
- zOSMON is easy to install. SYSPLEX and LOGSTREAM modes are required. A z/OS agent is the only thing installed on z/OS.