The zVPS Browser Based Data Viewer The zVIEW component of zVPS delivers a state of the art GUI interface for viewing and graphing performance data

zVIEW allows system administrators, management and end users to have a sophisticated graphical interface to view up-to-the-minute performance data, reports, graphs and customize data views. The 3270 screens on z/VM are still present, but displaying data on a web page gives many more options, especially for those not familiar with z/VM. Management, support staff from other systems (such as Linux) and end-users can view and customize the data they need.

Features and Benefits:

  • zVIEW allows for users, management and support staff not familiar with z/VM to easily see performance data.
  • zVIEW is secure. Only people that are authorized to see specific data can see that data.
  • zVIEW allows a point-and-click interface that has become the industry standard.
  • zVIEW is easily customizable to view everything from a full enterprise-wide view to just one screen that perhaps a Linux admin needs for their job.
  • zVIEW can be used to create graphs to represent particular data. Certain default graphs are included and these are easily customizable to include any of the ZVPS information.

Want to see more?

Click the button below to see a full demonstration of zVPS data on the zVIEW product: