SCRT/ILMT Analysis

SubCapacity Reporting

The SubCapacity Reporting Tool (SCRT) is an IBM no-charge tool that reports the license capacity for sub-capacity eligible products. Sub-capacity licensing provides a way to save money on software products when they run at a certain agreed upon capacity (for example, no software product runs over 80% of the full capacity of the box). Data is constantly collected and will be sent to a system that is running ILMT to run a report on a monthly basis for IBM. (The IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) is a software asset management tool that needs to be installed in order to use SCRT.) For every rolling 4 hour period over the month, the peak average is determined. If the processes did not exceed the agreed upon number, the software costs stay low. If it does exceed, then the price rises. The screen/report below can be used to track the hourly peak usage in the moment and over each day. Alerts can also be set up when a guest is in danger of exceeding its threshold. The data can also be used to create a local report to validate IBM charges.

Helpful ESAMON screen/ESAMAP report:

ESAILMT - This shows a contant rolling 4 hour period of CPU utilization.


  • Name - This shows the name of the entity consuming CPU.
  • Type - This shows the type of the entity. USER - a user name, CLAS - a class/group name, LPAR - an LPAR name, CPUT - Totals for the CPU types.
  • Peak 4 Hr Activity - This shows the date/time of the peak 4 hour period.

  • ESAILMT - This shows the totals for a 24 hour period.



    If used correctly, SCRT/ILMT can be used to help with sub-capacity pricing and can save money.

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