Linux Process Analysis

Specifics - Linux process usage analysis:

Linux processes that may be out of control (like running CRON jobs across multiple servers) can greatly affect performance of the system. Use ESALNXP screen to examine servers and their processes. Note that the CPU data provided by Linux in a virtual environment prior to SLES10 was wrong. Velocity Software was the first to understand the issue and the only product to correct the results. The same is now true for Linux in an SMT environment. Velocity has a 100% capture ratio that insures you know exactly how much system resources are being used and by whom - down to the Linux process level.

If Linux cpu utilization needs are an issue, consider using zVRM

ESALNXP - Shows user resource utilization


  • Node - This shows the zTCP node name where the process is running.
  • Name - This shows the name of the process.
  • CPU Percents Tot/sys/user/syst/usrt - This shows the amount of CPU utilization. Total shows the total CPU. sys shows the System CPU total. User is the amount the of CPU attributed to the user. syst shows the system total CPU for the children. usrt shows the user total CPU for the children.
  • nice/prty valu - This shows these values set dispatch priority (how often a machine gets CPU time). Verify these settings are correct for the processes running.

  • Note: Running a job/process across multiple servers can cause serious performance spikes. For example, if a CRON job is run across 60 servers at the same time, there will be a large spike in utilization
    that can cause other processes to have issues. Evaluate what may be running (if it is a performance process, zVPS uses minimal resources and is highly accurate). If the process needs to run, consider
    staggering the start times across servers to lessen the impact.

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