LPAR Pool Analysis

Specifics - LPAR Pooling:

Like resource pools, LPARS can be pooled on a box. This allows for more control over LPAR usage. For example, an LPAR can be restricted for workload or licensing reasons. ESALPARP screen/report will show the total percentage of cpu being utilized and how a group may be capped, etc. Clicking on a specific line (zview) or zoom (z/VM) leads to ESALPAR, which shows all of the LPARS assigned to that group and their individual information.

ESALPARP/ESALPAR - Shows the Logical Partition pool utilization then drills down to LPAR analysis


  • Group Name - This is the LPAR group name.
  • CPU Type - This is the type of CPU - CP/IFL/ZIIP.
  • Cap - This is the processor capping in number of processors.
  • Virt CPUs - This is the number of virtual processors allocated to the group.
  • %Assigned/Total - This shows the total percentage of time a physical processor was assigned to the LPAR group.
  • %Assigned/Ovhd - This shows the total percentage of overhead time for the group.

  • ESALPAR (from clicking line VSIGRP1 IFL) -
  • LPAR Name - This shows the LPAR name(s) within the group.
  • LPAR Pool Name - This shows the owning LPAR pool. (ESALPAR is now only showing those LPARS within pool VSIGRP1.)
  • %Assigned/Total - This shows the total percentage of time a physical processor was assigned to this logical processor.
  • %Assigned/Ovhd - This shows the total percentage of overhead time for the logical processor.
  • Weight/Polar - This shows the weighting (or Ded if it is a dedicated processor) and polarization for the LPAR. Polarization can be Hor-horizontal, VHi-vertical high, VMe-vertical medium or VLo-vertical low.
  • Capped - This shows if the LPAR is capped or not.
  • CPU Idle Time - This shows the total wait time for the logical processor.
  • Multi-thread Idle Time - This shows the total multi-thread wait time for the logical processor.

  • Note: Clicking on a line with multiple logical processors (like VSIVM4), will show information for each of the logical processors. This is the only LPAR running multi-thread.
    Also, since this zVIEW screen was taken from VSIVM4, it is the only one showing CPU percentages. (Certain specific information can only be gathered from the LPAR that zVIEW is currently running on.
    IE, this screen was being viewed on VSIVM4. Had it been on VSIVM5, the specific information for that LPAR would show and VSIVM4 would not.)
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