Docker Container Analysis

Linux Applications - Best Practices - Docker Containers

ESAMON screens/ESAMAP reports:

  • Docker Containers
  • Using zVPS to find information for solving issues with the Linux applications:

    ESADOCK1 - Shows information about the Docker configuration.


  • Node - This shows the zTCP node name.
  • Container Index - This shows the first twelve characters of the container ID.
  • Container Image - This shows the Docker image name.
  • Container Name - This shows the container name.
  • ProcID - This shows the unique process id for the container.
  • Status - This shows the status of the container. This can be:

           Created - Created but not started
           Running - Created and started
           Restarting - The container has been restarted due to one of four restart policies - no, on-failure, always or unless-stopped.
           Exited - The process inside the container has terminated. In this state, no CPU or memory are consumed by the container.
           Paused - All the processes have been suspended for an indefinite time.
           A paused container consumes the same memory used while running but the CPU is released.
           Dead - The container is non-functioning - this happens when trying to remove the container but it can not be because some resources are still in use.

  • Create Date/Time - This shows the container creation date/time.
  • Start Date/Time - This shows the container start date/time.
  • Terminate Date/Time - This shows the container termination date/time.

  • ESADOCK2 - Shows information about the Docker transactions.


  • Node - This shows the zTCP node name.
  • Container Index - This shows the first twelve characters of the container ID.
  • Container Image - This shows the Docker image name.
  • Container Name - This shows the container name.
  • CPU Percent User - This shows the CPU utilization consumed by the processes of the container.
  • CPU Percent System - This shows the CPU utilization consumed by the kernel executing system calls on behalf of the process.
  • Storage Current Use - This shows the current memory usage.
  • Storage Max - This shows the maximum memory usage.
  • PageRate In - This shows the page in rate per second.
  • PageRate Out - This shows the page out rate per second.
  • Major Page Fault - This shows the major page fault rate per second - which requires the kernel to read the data from disk.

  • ESADOCK3 - Shows information about the Docker file system.


  • Node - This shows the zTCP node name.
  • Container Index - This shows the first twelve characters of the container ID.
  • Container Image - This shows the Docker image name.
  • Container Name - This shows the container name.
  • Utilization Size - This shows the size of the volume in megabytes.
  • Utilization Used - This shows the amount of storage used in megabytes.
  • Utilization Full - This shows the percentage used of the volume.
  • Mount Point - This shows the mount point of the volume which is preceeded by /var/lib/docker/containers.

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