Kubernetes Container Analysis
Linux Applications - Best Practices - Kubernetes Containers
Container Performance Presentation
Velocity Container Information
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform. Red Hat OpenShift (RHOS) is a
commercial, container platform built on top of Kubernetes, with additional features,
offered by IBM and Red Hat. RHOS servers are closed and cannot be modified to add instrumentation.
Velocity Software provides a container that can be installed within the normal architecture
from which full metrics are available. This includes the container and pod configurations
needed for full accounting.
RHOS provides several pods and containers that are part of managing the container workload.
These are what account for the typical overhead of three IFL's. This can be easily seen in
ESALNXU below.
ESAMON screens/ESAMAP reports:
Docker Containers
- ESAK8S1 - Kubernetes Configuration
- ESAK8S2 - Kubernetes Resource Utilization
- ESAK8S3 - Kubernetes File Systems
- ESALNXU - Linux VSI Process Usage by User
Using zVPS to find information for solving issues with the Linux applications:
ESAK8S1 - Shows information about the Kubernetes configuration.
Node - This shows the zTCP node name.
Kubernetes Pod Name - This shows the name of the pod being monitored.
Kubernetes Pod Index - This shows the truncated Kubernetes index of the pod.
Container Name - This shows the name of the container.
Container PID - This shows the host process id of the container process.
Container Process Name - This shows the name of the process for the container.
Pod Namespace - This shows the Kubernetes name space of the pod.
ESAK8S2 - Shows information about the Kubernetes Resources.
Node - This shows the zTCP node name.
Podname - This shows the name of the node being monitored.
Container PID - This shows the host process id of the container process.
Container Process Name - This shows the name of the process for the container.
Container CPU - This shows the name of the container.
ESAK8S3 - Shows information about the Kubernetes file system.
Node - This shows the zTCP node name.
Pod Name - This shows the name of the pod being monitored.
Pod Index - This shows the truncated Kubernetes index of the pod.
File System Index - This shows the index value associated with the container filesystem.
Filesystem Size - This shows the size of the filesystem in megabytes.
Filesystem Used - This shows the amount of space used on the filesystem in megabytes.
Filesystem Pct Full - This shows the percentage of the filesystem that is used.
Filesystem Alloc Fails - This shows the number of allocations that have failed.
Filesystem R/W - This indicates whether the filesystem is read/write or read only.
Filesystem Boot - This shows if the filesystem is used for booting.
Filesystem Alloc Unit - This shows the allocation unit size for the filesystem.
Filesystem Name - This shows the name of the filesystem.
ESALNXU - Shows information about Linux Process Usage - VSI view.
CPU Percent Total - This shows the total percent of processor utilization. It is easy to see
that RHOS is using the most CPU of the active Linux users on this system.
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