Network Configuration Analysis
Specifics - Network configuration analysis:
The network area is often overlooked either due to lack of knowledge or once it has been configured, has few problems.
When there is a new network configuration or changes to the current configuration, pay close attention to the statistics
to get a good feel for how it is working. Then if/when an issue occurs, it is easier to find the cause. More information
about how the network environment is configured from a z/VM perspective, review ESATCPC (configuration) and ESATCPD
(network nodes).
ESATCPI - Shows TCPIP interface information. Both the screen and report samples:
Node/Idx Nbr - This is the zTCP node name and index number if there are multple nodes.
MTU - This shows the Maximum Transmission Unit for that node. A larger MTU size is more efficient, however
if a packet is larger than the intended receiver's MTU size,
the packet may be fragmented and cause performance impacts. It should be over 1501.
Speed - This shows the estimated speed of the interface. The speed of a node can affect performance if one
of the connections has a different speed meaning negotiations need to be done on transmission.
Status - This shows the status of the interface from both an operational and an administrative point of view.
Type/MACAddress - This shows the type of interface and the MAC address. Notice some MAC addresses are
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