Resource Pool Analysis

Resource Pool Definition and Analysis (was previously known as CPU pool)

Resource Pooling is a way to define, balance and limit the amount of processor capacity a group of users/servers (also known as guests) is allowed to use.
Setting SHARE values can limit an individual guest but resource pooling allows restrictions by group.
For example, there might be a test group, a development group, a QA group and a production group.
If the production group needs more capacity, can lower the cap on the test group and raise the cap on the production group.
It can also assist when using the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) tool for subcapacity licensing/pricing.

Things to keep in mind:

Helpful system commands:

Example - DEF RESP lnxtest CPU LIMITH 20% TYPE ifl - (creates a "linux test" IFL resource pool with a hard limit of 20%)
Response - Resource pool LNXTEST is created
Example - SET RESP lnxtest CPU CAP 1 - (updates the "linux test" resource pool to have a cap of 1.00 of an engine)
Response - Resource pool LNXTEST is changed
Example - SCH USER linuxt1 POOL lnxtest - (adds user linuxt1 to pool lnxtest)
Response - User LINUXT1 has been added to resource pool LNXTEST
Example - Q RESP POOL lnxtest - (displays information about lnxtest resource pool)
Response -
Pool Name       CPU     Type  Storage  Trim Members
LNXTEST     1.00 Cores   IFL  NoLimit  ----       1

Helpful ESAMON screens/ESAMAP reports (further explained below):

ESAPOOL - This shows information and utilization for any defined resource pools. Helpful Resource Pool information:


  • Pool Name - This shows the name of the resource pool.
  • CPU Type - This shows the type of processor (CP or IFL).
  • Max Share - This shows the maximum CPU(s) share assigned to the pool. One CPU equals 100.00.
  • Pool Limit - This shows the number of times per second the limit for the pool was reached in the last time interval.
  • CPU% - This shows the CPU utilization for the resource pool.
  • Affn Chgs - This shows if the type of processor changed due to changes in the environment.

  • ESAUSP2 - This shows utilization information for a user or class. When clicking on the poolname (zview) or hitting PF2 on z/VM while in ESAPOOL,
    ESAUSP2 will show all the users in that resource pool and their utilzation. Helpful Resource Pool information:


  • UserID/Class - This shows the name of the UserID in the resource pool.
  • Processor use/CPU% - This shows the utilization for each of the users assigned to that resource pool. It is easy to see who is using the most processing, currently it is ZMAP (this was for a test).

  • ESAXACT - This shows virtual machine state and wait state analysis information. Helpful Resource Pool information:


  • UserID/Class - This shows the system total and totals for IDs or classes. Can click (zview) or zoom (z/VM) to see each user in a class. The users in group Velocity show in green.
  • Percent non-dormant Run - This shows the percentage of running. ZMAP is running heavy.
  • Percent non-dormant Lim Lst - This shows the percentage of time on the "Limit List". This could be due to SHARE LIMIT being set or in this case due to the LCLPOOL of which ZMAP is a member is currently constrained.

  • Example of using RESPOOLs - Allow batch processing more power at night but limit it during the day


    Resource Pooling is a good way to manage the amount of CPU processing power used by groups of guests - both monetarily and from a workload perspective. It can also prevent over consumption by guests that have "aggressive' workloads for a short period of time or looping guests.

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