Virtual CPU Analysis

Specifics - Validate virtual CPUs (vcpu) analysis:

Each virtual machine can have multiple virtual CPUs (vcpus). This gives the machine more processing time. Many servers are set up with multiple vcpus. This can be a good thing - to an extent. Look to see how much CPU each of the vcpus is using. If there are 4 vcpus set up in one machine but only 1 of the vcpus is actually doing work, it adds overhead to the system and increases the potential for spinlocks. A server really only needs more vcpus when there are multiple heavy processes that show performance benefits from running in parallel.

ESAUSCP - Shows virtual machine vcpu utilization


  • UserID/Class - This shows the UserID of the virtual machine. Click on a line (zview) or zoom (z/VM) to see each of the vcpus for a UserID. Only UserID's with multiple vcpu's will show on this screen/report.
  • Def/Act - This shows how many defined and active vcpu's for this UserID.
  • CPU percent Tot - This shows the total percentage of CPU each vcpu is using. Notice if there are vcpus that are consistently not being utilized, which could mean an over allocation of vcpus.
  • SHARE Value - This shows the SHARE value. Notice that each vcpu shares the total SHARE. The report will show the true split - REDHAT75 has two vcpus with a SHARE value of REL 100 so each vcpu has a SHARE value of REL 50. The screen shows a little more in the Samples column as the system had low utilization at the time so the Total increased slightly (60/60).

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