z/OS Configuration Analysis
z/OS Configuration - Best Practices
Helpful configuration information:
Using the z/OS screens and reports can be very helping in maintaining your z/OS environment. When using the ZVPS
suite of products, zVIEW will show the current status of the system based on the screens chosen. Configuration data, CPU
usage, storage usage, job/step information can all be seen real time. Once the system trends are known, zALERT can be
used to send alerts if the numbers deviate from the norm.
Helpful tip - Anything supporting a Linux server can run on an IFL. So zVPS can take SMF records and process them on
z/VM much more cost effectively as long as there is a Linux server on the LPAR.
Helpful ESAMON screens/ESAMAP reports:
- ZOSCFG - z/OS LPAR Configuration - This shows physical processor and LPAR information.
- ZOSLPAR - z/OS LPAR Detail Analysis - This shows the LPAR detail information.
- ZOSLPARS - z/OS LPAR Summary Analysis - This shows more LPAR information.
- ZOSJCFG - z/OS LPAR Job/Step Configuration - This shows job and step identification.
Using zVPS to find information for solving issues with the z/OS CPU:
ZOSCFG - Shows information about the z/OS LPAR configuration, capacity and CPA metrics.
SYSID - This shows the system name as defined in the parmlib member IEASYSxx SYSNAME.(SMF70SNM)
SYSPLEX - This shows the sysplex name as defined in ECVTSPLX.(SMF70SNM)
Physical Processor Type - This shows the type of processor.(SMF70MOD)
Physical Processor Model - This shows the model identifier.(SMF70MDL)
Physical Processor Serial - This shows the CPU serial number.(SMF70SER)
Physical Processor CPU Cnt - This shows the number of physical processors assigned for PR/SM.(SMF70BNP)
LPAR Configuration Mode - This shows the configuration mode - either PR/SM or VM guest.(SMF70FLG)
LPAR Configuration CPU Online - CPU - This shows the number of general purpose processors online.(SMF70TYP)
LPAR Configuration CPU Online - ZIP - This shows the number of zIIP processors online.(SMF70SUP)
LPAR Configuration CPU Online - ZAP - This shows the number of zAAP processors online.(SMF70IFA)
Capacity Metrics Perm - This shows the model permanent capacity rating.(SMF70MPR)
Capacity Metrics Temp - This shows the model temporary capacity rating.(SMF70MTR)
Capacity Metrics GAU - This shows the long-term average of CPU service in millions of service units
which would be allowed by the limit
of the capacity group but is not used by its members. If the value is negative, the
group is capped.(SMF70MPR)
CPA Actual - This shows the physical CPU adjustment factor based on Model Capacity Rating.(SMF70CPAA)
CPA Scale - This shows the scaling factor for Actual.(SMF70CPAS)
Prod Name - This shows the production name.(SMF70PRD)
Time Zone - This shows the time zone in hours offset from GMT.
SDC/Service Coefficients CPU - This shows the CPU Service Definition Coefficient (SDC) scaled by 10.
SDC/Service Coefficients MSO - This shows the Storage Service Definition Coefficient (SDC) scaled by 10,000.
SDC/Service Coefficients IO - This shows the I/O Service Definition Coefficient (SDC) scaled by 10.
SDC/Service Coefficients SRB - This shows the SRB Service Definition Coefficient (SDC) scaled by 10.
CPU Srv Unit - This shows the number of sixteenths of one CPU microsecond per CPU service unit.(SMF30SUS)
CPU Adj Factr - This shows the normalization factor for zIIP. Multiply zIIP time by this value and divide
by 256 to get the equivalent time on a CP.(SMF70NRM)
SMF Intv - This shows the SMF interval in seconds.
ZOSLPAR - Shows more in depth information about the LPAR.
Serial - This shows the serial number of the processor reporting the information.(SMF70SNM)
Name - This shows the logical partition name or PHYSICAL.(SMF70LPM)
LPAR CPU ID - This shows the logical processor address.(SMF70VPA)
LPAR CPU Type - This shows the logical processor type (GP/IFP/zIIP/etc).(SMF70CIX)
LPAR CPU Weight - This shows the partition processor resource weight factor.(SMF70BPS)
Intrvl Secs - This shows the number of seconds in the interval.
Assigned Pct Total - This shows the percentage of time a physical processor was assgined to this logical
processor, including LPAR management time.(SMF70PDT)
Assigned Pct Logical - This shows the percentage of time a physical processor was assgined to this logical
processor, excluding LPAR management time.(SMF70EDT)
Online Percent - This shows the percentage of time the processor was online.(SMF70ONT)
Wait State - This shows the percentage of time the processor was in wait state.(SMF70WST)
Polar - This shows the processor polarization Hor - Horizontal, VHi - Vertical High, VMe - Vertical Medium,
VLo - Vertical Low.(SMF70WST)
ZOSLPARS - Shows more information about the LPAR.
Logical Partition Serial - This shows the CPU serial number.(SMF70SER)
Logical Partition Name - This shows the LPAR name or PHYSICAL.(SMF70LPM)
Logical Partition ID - This shows the LPAR ID.(SMF70LPN)
Logical Partition SYSID - This shows the system name as defined in the parmlib member IEASYSxx SYSNAME. This
will show n/a unless data is being
collected from a z/OS system running on the LPAR.
Online CPU Type - This shows the type of processor that is online.(SMF70MOD)
Online CPU Cnt - This shows the count of this type of processor.(SMF70CTN)
Online CPU %Assigned Total - This shows the total dispatch percent the logical processor was assigned
to the LPAR.(SMF70PDT)
Online CPU %Assigned Virtual - This shows the total dispatch percent minus LPAR overhead.(SMF70EDT)
Online CPU Entitl - This shows the number of processors of this type that are entitled to the LPAR.
LPAR Weight - This shows the processor weight.(SMF70BPS)
LPAR Central Stg(GB) - This shows the amount of central storage currently online.(SMF70CSF/1024)
LPAR Group Settings Hardware Grp Name(GB) - This shows the name of hardware group this partition belongs.
LPAR Group Settings Hardware Grp MaxCap(GB) - This shows the maximum number of licensing units for the
group of logical partitions.(SMF70GMU)
LPAR Group Settings Capacity Grp Name(GB) - This shows the name of the capacity group this partition
LPAR Group Settings Capacity Grp Limit(GB) - This shows the defined capacity limit (in millions of
service units).(SMF70GMU)
Cluster Name - This shows the LPAR cluster name - for z/OS this is the sysplex name.(SMF70SPN)
System Name - This shows the system name.(SMF70STN)
ZOSJCFG - Shows more information about the LPAR.
SYSID - This shows the CPU serial number.(SMF70SID)
Job Name - This shows the job name.(SMF70JBN)
Job Id - This shows the JES job identifier.(SMF70JNM)
Step Program - This shows the program name.(SMF70PGM)
Step Name - This shows the step name taken from the name on the EXEC card).(SMF70STM)
Step Nbr - This shows the step number in the job.(SMF70STN)
Workload Name - This shows the workload name.(SMF70WLM)
Service Class - This shows the service class name.(SMF70WLM)
Starting Date/Time - This shows the date/time the initiator selected this step.(SMF70STD/SMF70SIT)
Samps - This shows the sample intervals.
Secs - This shows the duration in secoonds on this step.
Job Class - This shows the job class.(SMF30CL8)
Termination - This shows the date/time the job step ended.(SMF30DTE/SMF30TME)
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