CICS Resource Analysis

z/OS CICS Resources - Best Practices

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Helpful ESAMON screens/ESAMAP reports:

Using zVPS to find information for solving issues with the CICS Resources:

ZOSCIX1 - Shows information about the individual CICS systems.


  • SYSID - This shows the system ID on which CICS is running.(SMFMNSID)
  • CICS Program APPLID - This shows the application ID of the CICS region.(SMFMNSPN)
  • CICS Program JobName - This shows the jobname of the CICS region.(SMFMNJBN)
  • Start Date/Time - This shows the date and time that the CICS region was started.(SMFMNRSD/SMFMNRST)
  • Platform O/S - This shows the name of the operating system on which the CICS region is running.(SMFMNFLG)
  • Platform VRM - This shows the version indicator of the CICS region.(SMFMNRVN)
  • Location LPARName - This shows the name of the LPAR on which the CICS region is running.(LPARNAME)
  • Location VMID - This shows the name of the virtual machine on which the CICS region is running (for z/VSE running under z/VM.
  • Transactions Total - This shows the count of the total number of transactions in the interval.
  • Transactions Resp - This shows the average response time of the transactions in the interval.(STOP-START) Transaction response time is made up of Suspend Time + Dispatch Time.
  • Transactions CPU - This shows the average CPU time of the transactions in the interval.(USRCPUT)
  • Task Statistics Total - This shows the total transaction count.(STID 10 - DSECT DFHXMGDS - XMGNUM)
  • Task Statistics MXT - This shows the MAXTASK value for this region.(STID 10 - DSECT DFHXMGDS - XMGMXT)
  • Task Statistics Actv - This shows the number of active transactions for this CICS region. (STID 10 - DSECT DFHXMGDS - XMGCAT)
  • Task Statistics Qued - This shows the MAXTASK queue time.(STID 10 - DSECT DFHXMGDS - XMGTQTME/XMGTAT)
  • Task Statistics PctM - This shows the percentage of active transactions to the MAXTASK value.

  • ZOSCIX5 - Shows information about the CICS transaction storage.


  • SYSID - This shows the system ID on which CICS is running.(SMFMNSID)
  • APPLID - This shows the application ID of the CICS Region.(SMFMNSPN)
  • Transaction ID - This shows the transaction identifier.(TRAN)
  • Transaction Count - This shows the number of terminated transactions for the interval
  • Response Time Total Resp - This shows the total reponse time per transaction in seconds.(TOTRESP)
  • Response Time Susp Time - This shows the suspend time per transaction in seconds.(SUSPTIME)
  • Response Time Disp Time - This shows the dispatch time per transaction in seconds.(USRDISPT)
  • Response Time CPU Time - This shows the CPU time per transaction in seconds.
  • Avg Storage Ocpncy <16MB UDSA - This shows the user DSA below 16M - the area under the curve of user-task storage in use against elapsed time.
  • Avg Storage Ocpncy <16MB CDSA - This shows the CICS DSA below 16M - the area under the curve of user-task storage in use against elapsed time.
  • Avg Storage Ocpncy >16MB EUDSA - This shows the user DSA above 16M - the area under the curve of user-task storage in use against elapsed time.
  • Avg Storage Ocpncy >16MB ECDSA - This shows the CICS DSA above 16M - the area under the curve of user-task storage in use against elapsed time.
  • GetMains/Trans <16M UDSA - This shows the number of GETMAINS per transaction for user DSA below 16M.
  • GetMains/Trans <16M CDSA - This shows the number of GETMAINS per transaction for CICS DSA below 16M.
  • GetMains/Trans >16M EUDSA - This shows the number of GETMAINS per transaction for user DSA above 16M.
  • GetMains/Trans >16M ECDSA - This shows the number of GETMAINS per transaction for CICS DSA above 16M.
  • Shared Storage Gets - This shows the number of shared storage GETMAIN bytes below 16M.
  • Shared Storage Frees - This shows the number of shared storage FREEMAIN bytes below 16M.
  • STG Impact Xact - This shows the storage impact per transaction.
  • STG Impact TranID - This shows the storage impact per transaction ID.

  • ZOSCIXS1 - Shows details about the Dynamic Storage Area.


  • SYSID - This shows the system ID on which CICS is running.(SMFMNSID)
  • APPLID - This shows the application ID of the CICS Region.(SMFMNSPN)
  • Pool Locn - This shows the storage location of the DSA.(SMSLOCN)
  • DSA Limit - This shows the DSA limit value as indicated in DFHSIT.(SMSDSALIMIT/SMSEDSALIMIT/MEMLIMIT)
  • DSA Total - This shows the current DSA total.(SMSDSATOTAL/SMSEDSATOTAL/SMSGDSAALLOC)
  • Pool Name - This shows the individual DSA Name.(SMSDSANAME)
  • Storage Size - This shows the current size of the DSA.(SMSDSASZ)
  • Storage HWM - This shows the High Water Mark of the DSA.(SMSHWMDSASZ)
  • Storage Cushn - This shows the current cushion size.(SMSCSIZE)
  • Storage Free - This shows the free storage (including cushion).(SMSFSTG)
  • Lrgst Free - This shows the largest free area in the DSA.(SMSLFA)
  • Requests GetMn - This shows the number of GETMAIN requests.(SMSGMREQ)
  • Requests FreMn - This shows the number of FREEMAIN requests.(SMSFMREQ)
  • Tasks Prgd - This shows the number of tasks purged waiting on storage.(SMSPWWS)
  • Cush Rel - This shows the number of times cushion released.(SMSCREL)
  • Times SOS - This shows the number of times SOS (Short On Storage) occured.(SMSSOS)
  • Stg Viol - This shows the number of storage violations.(SMSSSV)

  • ZOSCIXS2 - Shows details about the TCB activity.


  • SYSID - This shows the system ID on which CICS is running.(SMFMNSID)
  • APPLID - This shows the application ID of the CICS Region.(SMFMNSPN)
  • Tasks Curr - This shows the current number of tasks.(DSGCNT)
  • Tasks Peak - This shows the peak number of tasks.(DSGCNT)
  • Excess TCB Scans - This shows the number of excess TCB scans.(DSGXSCNS)
  • Excess TCB NoTCB - This shows the number of scans during which no TCB was detached.(DSGXSCNN)
  • Excess TCB ExcDet - This shows the number of excess TCBs that were detached.(DSGXSCBD)
  • TCB Name - This shows the TCB mode name.(DSGTCBNM)
  • TCB Att Curr - This shows the current number of TCBs attached.(DSGTCBCA)
  • TCB Att Peak - This shows the peak number of TCBs attached.(DSGTCBPA)
  • TCB Used Curr - This shows the current number of TCBs used by mode.(DSGTCBCU)
  • TCB Used Peak - This shows the peak number of TCBs used by mode.(DSGTCBPU)
  • TCB Alloc - This shows the current number of TCBs allocated to tasks.(DSGTCBAL)
  • TCB Steal - This shows the number of TCBs steals.(DSGTCBST)
  • TCB Mmtch - This shows the number of TCBs mismatches.(DSGTCBMM)
  • Opsys Count - This shows the number of partition exits.(DSGSYSW)
  • Wait Time - This shows the real time CICS in OS Wait in ms.(DSGTWT)
  • TCB Time Disp - This shows the real time TCB dispatched in ms.(DSGTDT)
  • TCB Time CPU - This shows the CPU time for TCB in ms.(DSGACT)
  • TCB Time DS - This shows the CPU time used by this TCB for dispatcher tasks.(DSGTCT)
  • Disp Ratio - This shows the ratio of CPU time to Dispatch time.((DSGACT/DSGTDT)*100)

  • Conclusions

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