DB2 Configuration Analysis
z/OS Db2 Configuration
Helpful information:
- Fields come from SMF records:
- ZOSDB2AC - SMF 101 - subtype 0 (IFCID3) and subtype 1 (IFCID 239)
- ZOSDB2RT - SMF 100 - subtype 0 (IFCID 1)
- Field names are noted in parenthesis after the description.
Helpful ESAMON screens/ESAMAP reports:
- ZOSDB2AC - Db2 Application Configuration - This shows the Db2 application configuration.
- ZOSDB2LT - Db2 Latch Counters - This shows the different latch counters.
- ZOSDB2RT - Db2 DDF Statistics - This shows information about Db2 Distributed Data Facility.
Using zVPS to find information for solving issues with the Db2 Configuration:
ZOSDB2AC - Shows information about the Db2 application configuration.
SYSID - This shows the z/OS system ID.(SM101SID)
DB2 SSID - This shows the Db2 subsystem identifier.(SM101SSI)
Auth ID - This shows the authorization identifier.(QWHCAID)
Connection Name - This shows the connection name.(QWHCCN)
Original OperID - This shows the original operator ID.(QWHCOPID)
Transaction Name - This shows the end user's transaction name.(QWHCEUTX)
Transaction Count - This shows the number of transactions executed in the interval.
Transaction Type - This shows the conection type code.(QWHCATYP)
The current types are:
1. TSO Foreground and background
2. Db2 Call Attach
3. DL/I Batch
4. CICS Attach
5. IMS Attach BMP
6. IMS Attach MPP
7. Db2 Private Protocol
8. DRDA Protocol
9. IMS Control Region
10. IMS Transaction BMP
11. Db2 Utilities
12. RRSAF Attach
Transaction Total CPUPct - This shows the total CPU percent utilization for the application in the current
CPU Time Total - This shows the CPU time per transaction (also known as Class 1 CPU Time).
CPU Time DB2 - This shows the CPU time in Db2 per transaction (also known as Class 2 CPU Time).(QWACAJST)
CPU Time Pkg - This shows the package CPU time per transaction (also known as Class 7 CPU Time).QPACTJST)
CPU Time zIIP CPU - This shows the CPU Time on a zIIP per transaction (also known as Class 1 zIIP Time).
Elapsed Time Total - This shows the elapsed time per transaction (also known as Class 1 Elapsed Time).
Elapsed Time DB2 - This shows the elapsed time in Db2 per transaction (also known as Class 2 Elapsed Time).
Elapsed Time Pkg - This shows the package elapsed time per transaction (also known as Class 7 Elapsed Time).
Elapsed Time I/O - This shows the elapsed time waiting for I/O under this thread.(QWACAWTI)
ZOSDB2LT - Shows information about the different latch counters.
SYSID - This shows the z/OS system ID of system being reported.(SM101SID)
DB2 SSID - This shows the Db2 subsystem identifier.(SM101SSI)
Latch Counts LC01 - Infrequently used.
Latch Counts LC02 - Global authorization cache.
Latch Counts LC03 - DDF disconnect.
Latch Counts LC04 - SYSTRING cache.
Latch Counts LC05 - IRLM data sharing exits or RLF.
Latch Counts LC06 - Data sharing index split.
Latch Counts LC07 - Index latch and OBD allocation.
Latch Counts LC08 - Query parallelism.
Latch Counts LC09 - Utilities or stored procedure URIDs.
Latch Counts LC10 - Allied agent chain or sequence descriptors.
Latch Counts LC11 - DGTT allocation.
Latch Counts LC12 - Global transaction ID table.
Latch Counts LC13 - Pageset operations.
Latch Counts LC14 - Bufferpool LRU.
Latch Counts LC15 - Archive log mode (quiesce).
Latch Counts LC16 - UR chain.
Latch Counts LC17 - RURE chain.
Latch Counts LC18 - DDF resynch list.
Latch Counts LC19 - Log write.
Latch Counts LC20 - System checkpoint.
Latch Counts LC21 - Accounting rollup.
Latch Counts LC22 - Internal checkpoint.
Latch Counts LC23 - Buffer manager.
Latch Counts LC24 - EDM pool or prefetch.
Latch Counts LC25 - Workfile allocation.
Latch Counts LC26 - Dynamic statement cache.
Latch Counts LC27 - Stored procedures queue.
Latch Counts LC28 - Stored procedures or authorization cache.
Latch Counts LC29 - Field procs and DDF transaction manager.
Latch Counts LC30 - Agent services.
Latch Counts LC31 - Storage manager.
Latch Counts LC32 - Storage manager.
Latch Counts LC254 - Index latch.
ZOSDB2RT - Shows information about Db2 Distributed Data Facility.
SYSID - This shows the z/OS system ID.(SM101SID)
DB2 SSID - This shows the Db2 subsystem identifier.(SM101SSI)
Commits Recvd - This shows the commit requests received from the requester.(QLSTCOMR)
Commits Sent - This shows the commit requests sent to the server.(QLSTCOMS)
Commits StProc - This shows the stored procedure commits.(QLSTSPCMT)
Aborts Recvd - This shows the abort requests received from the requester.(QLSTABRR)
Aborts Sent - This shows the abort requests received from the requester.(QLSTABRR)
Aborts Sent - This shows the abort requests sent to the server.(QLSTABRS)
SQL Stmts Recvd - This shows the SQL statements received from the remote site.(QLSTSQLR)
SQL Stmts Sent - This shows the SQL statements sent to the remote site.(QLSTSQLS)
Messages Recvd - This shows the messages received from the remote site.(QLSTMSGR)
Messages Sent - This shows the messages sent to the remote site.(QLSTMSGS)
Bytes Recvd - This shows the bytes of data received from the remote site.(QLSTBYTR)
Bytes Sent - This shows the bytes of data sent to the remote site.(QLSTBYTS)
Rows Recvd - This shows the rows of data received from the remote site (not including SQLDA or SQLCA).
Rows Sent - This shows the rows of data sent to the remote site (including the SQLDA).(QLSTROWS)
Blocks Recvd - This shows the blocks received using block fetch.(QLSTBRBF)
Blocks Trans - This shows the blocks transmitted using block fetch.(QLSTBTBF)
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