
Tuning Tips for Using Alerts

Alerts help make system monitoring easier. If a problem can be quickly identified because a monitored zVIEW screen suddenly shows yellow/red or an email is sent because a critical node is no longer up, recovery is expedited. A little up-front work goes a long way. Also, periodic maintenance to verify the values still are relevant helps those monitoring the system not say "We are used to seeing the red - it's always red".

Alert tips for use with zALERT:

The zALERT product is a no charge offering that is a powerful, flexible tool to be able to identify issues before they become real problems. An early alert can make the difference between an impactful system outage and hero recognition! :-) (Information about using zALERT can be found in the zALERT User's Guide on the Customer Documentation page)
Note: zOPERATOR is another no charge product that is a perfect landing place for the alerts below. With a little upfront work, an Operator's chances of seeing a problem early is greatly enhanced.
Below are some tuning tips when using alerts.

Alert tips for use with ZVPS:

zVPS monitor screens (zVIEW or 3270) can/should be customized to highlight appropriate high water marks. This makes it much easier to see at a glance when a system number is 'in the yellow/red'.
There are two ways to do this - via zMON or with zVIEW. For zMON, use the instructions explained in the zMON Users Guide - Chapter 4. A MONPROF COPY file is created to override the defaults in ESAMONDF COPY. Using the screen name and column number of the information, a value is coded that will be used to highlight when that value has been exceeded.
For zVIEW, use the instructions explained in the zVIEW Users Guide - Chapter 1 - Setting Screen Thresholds. This sets warning colors of yellow/red in Graphs.
For thresholds in Enterprise view - see zVIEW Users Guide - Chapter 2 - configuration. These are set in VSIMAINT in the ZVIEW CECLIST.
Below are some tuning tips for zVPS alerts (screen highlights):

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