Customer Questions

Question - Can we reduce our IFL count?

We are looking at the possibility of reducing the number of IFLs. What can I look at to evaluate this possibility?

Note: This is a guideline of 'where to look' and 'what to look for' to assist in research. Asking for assistance from Velocity Software before making any decisions is recommended.

  • CPU - ESALPARS - Logical Parition Analysis Summary Report
  • Totals by Processor type:
    <---------CPU-------> <-Shared Processor busy->
    Type Count Ded shared  Total  Logical Ovhd Mgmt
    ---- ----- --- ------ ------ -------- ---- ----
    CP       2   0      2   97.4     97.0  0.2  0.2
    IFL      4   0      4  132.2    128.6  1.7  1.9 <-- For this day, this system was at approximately 33%
    ZIIP     1   0      1   24.2     24.2  0.0  0.0
    Totals by Processor type:
    <---------CPU-------> <-Shared Processor busy->
    Type Count Ded shared  Total  Logical Ovhd Mgmt
    ---- ----- --- ------ ------ -------- ---- ----
    CP       2   0      2  160.6    157.9  1.0  1.7
    IFL     15   0     15 1215.4   1209.9  3.2  2.3 <-- For this day, this system was at approximately 81%
    ICF      1   1      0    0.0        0    0  0.0
    ZIIP     1   0      1    5.8      5.4  0.1  0.3

  • CPU - ESACPUU - Logical Parition Analysis Summary Report
  •         <----Load---->           CPU (percentages) .  <-Vertical-->
             <-Users-> Tran     CPU   Total  Emul      .  Entitle- Park
    Time     Actv In Q /sec CPU Type   util  time      .  ment  seconds
    Average:   77 41.9 13.4  0  IFL    18.8  17.7      .  0.37        0 <-- 4 of 6 IFLs evenly used, relatively low utilization
                             1  IFL    21.2  20.1      .  0.37        0
                             2  IFL    19.7  18.7      .  0.37        0
                             3  IFL    19.8  18.8      .  0.37        0
                             4  IFL    17.5  16.5      .  0.35     4142 <-- 2 IFLs that are being parked
                             5  IFL    17.6  16.6      .  0.35     4142
                                      ----- -----      .  ----     ----
    System:                           114.7 108.5      .  0.36     8284 <-- For this day, this system was at apprixmately 20%
            <----Load---->           CPU (percentages) .  <-Vertical-->
             <-Users-> Tran     CPU   Total  Emul      .  Entitle- Park
    Time     Actv In Q /sec CPU Type   util  time      .  ment  seconds
    Average:   31 81.5  0.5  0  IFL    65.0  60.0      .  1.00        0 <-- 52 of 52 IFLs evenly used, healthy utilization
                             1  IFL    59.2  54.7      .  1.00        0
                             2  IFL    68.0  64.1      .  1.00        0
                             3  IFL    63.3  59.8      .  1.00        0
                            - - - - - - - - - - -
                            48  IFL    81.0  77.2      .  1.00        0
                            49  IFL    79.0  75.4      .  1.00        0
                            50  IFL    65.4  60.0      .  1.00        0
                            51  IFL    62.9  57.9      .  1.00        0 <-- No parking
                                      ----- -----
    System:                            4032  3843      .  1.00        0 <-- For this day, the system was at approximately 78%

  • CPU - ESAXACT - Daily Transaction Delay Analysis Report
  •                      <-(Wait states)->
    UserID   <-Samples->
    /Class   Total  In Q Run Sim CPU
    Hi-Freq: 8732K 97825 1.4 0.8 0.7  <-- For this day, there was very little CPU wait - but need to look by interval as well

    Conclusions from the examples above:

  • The first system could get away with removing an IFL, IF these numbers trended across the month(s) and there weren't workload spikes. If there were workload spikes, those would need to be identified and understood/rectified before attempting an engine removal.
  • For the second system, removing an engine would not be a good idea.
  • Of course, if removing engines, be sure to do analysis after to verify that performance is still adequate.

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