Chargeback Analysis

Chargeback for z/VM and Linux

When one department runs on one server or one application runs on one server, chargeback is not difficult. Charge the department for the server plus overhead. However, most companies have 100+ servers running on one z/VM system that are running multiple applications. How does a company then charge for those resources?

This is not a new problem. Charging for the resources consumed by a server meets the requirements of most installations. These resources are usually CPU, storage and I/O (disk).


There are many requirements that must be met for a chargeback system, all of which are satisfied by zVPS:

Reporting details

There are multiple methods of performing chargeback. For each one, the data needs to be easily accessible. All data is in a performance database that can be extracted into files (CSV format or others). zVPS provides reports for the following:

Sample Data

Any of the data used in any of the zVPS reports can easily be extracted directly from the performance database in a format that may be more suitable to your particular requirements.

On the ZMAP service machine there is a MAPGOOD EXEC. This is a routine that has been provided to demonstrate a data extraction and export via FTP. This routine will provide daily and/or monthly data. The sample extract used and provided is ACCTUSR ESAEXTR. This file can be modified. The sample collects both virtual machine data and Linux application data, creates a file then sends it via FTP to your data server.

Sample Virtual Machine Report - ESAACCT

The ESAACCT report provided by zVPS shows the resources consumed by each Linux server and the charges applied to that server. Each resource consumed is converted to a service unit, accumulated, then a charge per service unit is applied. Each server then has a charge for a period of time.
All service unit factors and charges are tailorable by the installation to meet its accounting requirements.

Report: ESAACCT      User Accounting Report                        Veloc
Monitor initialized:                      on 2084 serial 3667F     First
Service Unit Virtual CPU Factor:    17777
Service Unit Overhead CPU Factor:   17777
Service Unit I/O Factor:            0.800
Service Unit Storage Factor:        0.500
Charge per Service Units:            0.00010
UserID   <--Users-->  <Service Units>  Charges  <---Resources Used---->
/Class   Logged Actv    /Sec   Total    Total     CPU   DASD I/O  Pages
-------- ------ ----  ------  ------   -------  ------  --------  -----
00:15:57     47 35.3   13574  12217K   1221.69  622.15    405496  1665K
System:       .    .  268.74  241867     24.19   13.61
 ***Key User Analysis ***
LINUX1        1  1.0   44.04   39638      3.96    1.79        88  15523
LINUX13       1  1.0   74.71   67236      6.72    3.31       396  15993
LINUX14       1  1.0  466.10  419492     41.95   21.04       446  90292
LINUX15       1  1.0  696.94  627249     62.72   30.94      2162   151K
LINUX16       1  1.0  1220.3   1098K    109.83   56.98      2588   167K
LINUX17       1  1.0  106.75   96078      9.61    4.96       331  15242
LINUX18       1  1.0  247.34  222602     22.26   10.65       459  65851
LINUX20       1  1.0  465.36  418826     41.88   22.59      1079  32666
LINUX22       1  1.0  2455.5   2210K    221.00  121.61     14908  72492
LINUX24       1  1.0   44.60   40143      4.01    1.74       182  18025
LINUX25       1  1.0   94.10   84689      8.47    3.94       742  28008
LINUX27       1  1.0   54.45   49001      4.90    2.30       263  15920
LINUX29       1  1.0  259.51  233562     23.36   10.34      5811  90185
LINUX30       1  1.0  165.24  148720     14.87    6.86       310  53141
LINUX31       1  1.0  886.54  797882     79.79   42.29     13347  70722
LINUX32       1  1.0  254.24  228817     22.88   10.10      4421  91315
LINUX33       1  1.0  279.96  251969     25.20   11.44      6923  86157
LINUX34       1  1.0   31.11   27995      2.80    1.06        55  18298
LINUX35       1  1.0  495.47  445928     44.59   21.78      1312   116K
LINUX37       1  1.0  269.65  242689     24.27   11.31      5515  74437
LINUX38       1  1.0  207.58  186820     18.68    9.44      3062  32946
LINUX39       1  1.0  353.44  318096     31.81   15.55      4766  75796
LINUX40       1  1.0  224.58  202122     20.21    9.76      3183  52256
LINUX41       1  1.0  203.57  183210     18.32    9.31      3089  30337
Back to Reporting Details

Sample Linux Userid Report - ESALNXU

The ESALNXU report provided by zVPS shows the resources consumed by each Linux server with more information that includes processor utilization and parent/child process utilization. It will show servers grouped in nodes or individual servers.

Report: ESALNXU      LINUX Process by User Analysis Report         Velocity Software Corporat
Monitor initialized:                      on 8562 serial 040F78    First record analyzed: 01/
Node/                                            <---Processor Percent---> <---CPU Seconds--->
Date     <---------User and Group Identity------>       
Time     Userid       GroupID      usrpid grppid Total sys  user syst usrt sys  user syst usrt
-------- ------------ ------------ ------ ------ ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
***Node Groups***
REDHAT   pcp          pcp               0      0   0.0  0.0  0.0    0    0  0.0  0.2    0    0
         root         root              0      0   5.6  2.3  2.1  0.2  1.0 20.9 18.9  2.0  9.0
SUSE     db2inst1     db2iadm1          0      0   0.7  0.0  0.7    0    0  0.0  6.1    0    0
         gdm          gdm               0      0   6.1  0.0  6.1    0    0  0.0 54.7    0    0
         root         root              0      0   0.9  0.3  0.4  0.1  0.1  2.7  3.2  0.5  1.3
ORACLE   oracle       oinstall          0      0   0.6  0.0  0.6  0.0  0.0  0.0  5.3  0.0  0.0
         root         root              0      0   0.3  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.3  1.7
OpenShft nobody       nobody            0      0   7.8  1.1  6.7    0    0  9.6 60.3    0    0
         root         root              0      0  40.8  6.3 29.5  1.8  3.3 56.7  265 15.8 29.5
         unknown      root              0      0  15.7  2.4 13.1  0.0  0.0 22.0  118  0.2  0.4
         unknown      unknown           0      0   1.4  0.4  1.0    0    0  3.7  9.0    0    0
UBUNTU   root         root              0      0   0.2  0.1  0.1    0    0  0.9  1.2    0    0
GPFS     root         root              0      0   5.8  0.2  0.2  1.9  3.5  1.4  2.0 17.3 31.5
TheUsrs  db2inst1     db2iadm1          0      0   0.0    0  0.0    0    0    0  0.1    0    0
         nobody       nobody            0      0   0.5  0.1  0.2  0.1  0.1  0.8  2.1  1.1  0.7
         oracle       oinstall          0      0   0.3  0.1  0.2  0.0    0  0.8  1.7  0.0    0
         qemu         qemu              0      0   0.1  0.0  0.1    0    0  0.0  0.8    0    0
         root         root              0      0  94.4  0.7 11.6  0.4 81.6  6.5  105  4.0  735
*** Nodes *******                    1002   2811   0.7  0.0  0.7    0    0  0.0  6.6    0    0
lxdb2001 db2inst1     db2iadm1       1002   2811   0.7  0.0  0.7    0    0  0.0  6.1    0    0
         root         root              0      0   0.2  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.1  0.2  0.2  0.4  1.1
lxdb2002 db2inst1     db2iadm1       1002    110   0.0    0  0.0    0    0    0  0.1    0    0

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