Product Replacements
Broadcom VM:Manager and IBM Product Replacement Options
Of the components provided by VM:Manager and the functions provided by IBM's Operations Manager or DIRMAINT, many are provided by Velocity Software as either part of zVPS, our performance suite, or zPRO, our VM System modernization suite. The following links compare the different components:
- Velocity Software's zOPERATOR vs IBM's Operation Manager and Broadcom's VM:Operator
- Velocity Software's zPRO zSCHEDULE vs IBM's Operation Manager Scheduler and Broadcom's VM:Schedule
- Velocity Software's zPRO zSPOOL vs IBM's Operations Manager Spool Viewing and Broadcom's VM:Spool
- Velocity Software's zPRO zDIRECT vs IBM's DirMaint and Broadcom's VM:Secure Directory Manager.
- VM:Backup is replaced by zPRO's backup and restore facility.
- DATAPUMP is replaced by VSIPUMP for displaying data using InfluxDB or Prometheus.
Note that the following components have no good replacements and may not be utilized much now.
- VM:Tape or IBM Tape Manager for z/VM
- VM:SORT: Replaced by hardware instructions and PIPEs
- VM:Archive
- VM:Hidro: Unlikely needed with today's technology
- xMENU - possibly replaceable in near future
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