Vendor (Data) Interfaces

Velocity Software remains the leader in supplying IBM z Systems, z/VM and Linux data to popular enterprise capacity planning facilies, while providing the real time ability to drill down into z/VM and Linux with simple clicks on a browser.

The Performance Data Base (PDB) provided by Velocity Software is referred to as "history" data in the documentation.
This is a collection of 6 files:

The format of the history data is in segments. Each segment has a 6 byte name followed by a 2 byte length code. If processing these files, it is mandatory that this format is used - as when segments are increased with new fields, your programs will still work if incrementing pointers based on the length code, and not a hard coded length that may change from release to release.

Velocity Software provides several interfaces to this data:

Broadcom (Formerly Computer Associates): MICS Support / NeuMICS Support

MICS is directly supported by ZWRITE, allowing the records required by MICS to be generated directly without the need to collect raw monitor data.

From Computer Associates ENews:

Velocity Software's zMON and MICS

The VM monitor records extracted by Velocity Software's ZWRITE have the same format and content as the standard monitor records collected by IBM's VM supplied MONWRITE utility. Additionally, ZWRITE can extract monitor data at longer intervals than the set Monitor interval, substantially reducing DASD space requirements. This allows the Monitor interval to be set to 60 seconds for effective real-time monitoring, without using large amounts of DASD space for data logging. To learn more about Velocity Software visit the Velocity Software webpage.

Instructions on moving this data to z/OS for MICS processing can be found at ESAMICS EXEC

Beyond normal CP monitor records, MICS will extract the C domain records that include network, Linux system and Linux process data. Field descriptions can be found in ZVPS Data Descriptions.

Merrill Consultants: MXG

MXG supports using ZVPS history data as input. Data of any granularity is supported, either the one minute produced by ZWRITE or the long term data with 15 minute granularity produced by ZMAP. Look for the "XAMSYS", "XAMCPU", "XAMUSR", "XAMDEV" and "XAMTCP" declarations.

Note, that in single CPU environment, ZMAP should use the parameter "CPU_HISTORY='1110'B".

Instructions on moving this data to z/OS for MXG processing can be found at ESAMXG EXEC

Tivoli Performance Reporter

For those using the Tivoli Performance Reporter, the following was provided by an IBM location for release 2.4. Please send any updates to Velocity Software for inclusion and assistance to others if further enhancements are developed.

Tivoly / PRF Conversion Support
ESASYS History Support
ESACPU History Support
ESAUSR History Support
ESADEV History Support

Service Level Reporter (SLR)

For those running SLR, since replaced by Tivoli Performance Reporter, the files are archived and available at:

SLR Support

VM PAF Support

For those using the old VM PAF from IBM, the following is the interface to that product.


Sample DATA

The following files are sample data, copyfile packed format. Save them to your disk, and FTP to z/VM using 'BINARY FIXED 1024'

ESASYS Sample History Link
ESACPU Sample History Link
ESADEV Sample History Link
ESAUSR Sample History Link
ESATCP Sample History Link

The following files are sample data, binary. Save them to your disk, and use tools to view hex data.

ESASYS Sample History Link
ESACPU Sample History Link
ESADEV Sample History Link
ESAUSR Sample History Link
ESATCP Sample History Link